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Australian Plants Society
Maroondah District Group
Growing, conserving, and sharing knowledge about Australian native plants.
Australia has one of the most diverse ranges of native plants in the world. Let's grow more of them.

Epacris longiflora.jpg


Acacia denticulosa.jpg

Epacris longiflora.jpg
Our Next Meetings
Friday 22nd September 8:00pm
Australian Birds: How they interact with Plants,
Tony Robinson
Friday 27th October 8:00pm
Nature vs Nurture, Bill Aitchison
Visitors Welcome
Australian Plants Society Maroondah
APS Maroondah meetings are now held on every fourth Friday, at the
Ringwood East Elderly Citizens Hall,
2-8 Laurence Grove, Ringwood East.
starting at 8:00pm
Parking is available at the hall.
(Melway 50 B8)

See Kunzea for details
Sunday 17th September - Melton Botanic Gardens, Melton
Sunday 29th October - Private Garden, The Basin
Contact us at
Do you have some great photos of native plants?
Or some gardening tips to help others?
Or do you have a favourite plant?
Or would you like to ask a question or make a comment?
Send an email to
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